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Hybris Sales UX API

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ClickToCall V2

C2C v2 version is applicable for below markets:

  • Costa Rica: Fixed & Mobile(Genesys cloud)-cloudhub . Mobile (Flashboard/Movistar)-onPrem & cloudhub .
  • Panama: Fixed and Mobile (Pentcloud)

Key Points for Costa Rica C2C V2 - Fixed & Mobile

Target System : Genesys-cloud

  • For Fixed & Mobile use cases we get 201 as the return response code.
  • The customer phone number and bucket ID are mandatory for Genesys cloud API.
  • requestedCompletionDate for Genesys ( it should be current time in UTC zone format is ISO 8601 "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" such as "2024-11-18T15:30:00.000Z").
  • Digital must identify the bucket ID and name and pass it to ESB.
  • For fixed use case productOrder.productOrderItem."@baseType" value changed from "Residential" to "Fixed".
  • As per the new design Digital has to populate the following new fields lob , targetsystem , CallerId and callername , scriptId and pass to ESB.
  • If the targetSystem is "genesys" then request will route to Genesys BSS.
  • If targetSystem is "flashboard" then request will route to Flashboard BSS.



C2C Request for Genesys mobile

    "identityNumber": "0011453856-6",
    "phoneNumber": "+50687362230",
    "lastName": "Medric",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "prueba@gmail.com",
    "customerType": "new",
    "pricingOptions": "24meses",
    "paymentMethod": [
            "name": "card"
    "productOrder": {
        "productOrderItem": [
                "id": "1",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "product": {
                    "id": "iPhone_SE_128GB_NEGRO",
                    "name": "iPhone_SE_128GB_NEGRO_NUEVO CLIENTE",
                    "@type": "Device",
                    "productCharacteristic": [
                            "name": "simcardtype",
                            "valueType": "String",
                            "value": "eSIM"
                "@baseType": "Mobile",
                "@type": "Device"
                "id": "2",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "product": {
                    "id": "plan6_llimitado",
                    "name": "Plan @6 Ilimitado_NUEVO CLIENTE",
                    "@type": "Plan"
                "@baseType": "Mobile",
                "@type": "postpaid"
    "relatedInformation": [
            "name": "campagineCode",
            "value": "Pospago Blacklist"
            "name": "targetSystem",
            "value": "genesys"
            "name": "lob",
            "value": "postpaid"
            "name": "prefferedContactInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "contactNumber": "+50687362230",
                    "preferredTime": "08:00AM-10:00AM",
                    "contactChannel": "phone"
            "name": "CallerId",
            "value": "+50647001500"
            "name": "callerIdName",
            "value": "Liberty Callback"
            "name": "bucketId",
            "value": "3db5b61e-e3be-4c7f-91c3-9a630da551ec"
            "name": "bucketName",
            "value": "VQ_Callback_C2C"
            "name": "scriptId",
            "value": "6ac4bfcc-365a-4d91-8a20-baa0a671402a"

C2C Request for genesys fixed

    "identityNumber": "1234567",
    "phoneNumber": "+50683808895",
    "lastName": "lastName",
    "firstName": "firstName",
    "customerType": "new",
    "email": "dev@hotmail.com",
    "requestedCompletionDate": "2024-11-07T01:46:54.393Z",
    "productOrder": {
        "productOrderItem": [
                "id": "1",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "product": {
                    "id": "dobleplayMega45_mvcr2616",
                    "name": "DOBLE PLAY MEGA 45_CLIENTE EXISTENTE"
                    "@type": "Package"
                "@baseType": "Fixed",
                "@type": "1P",
    "relatedInformation": [
            "name": "callerId",
            "value": "+50647001500"
            "name": "callerIdName",
            "value": "Liberty Callback"
            "name": "bucketId",
            "value": "3db5b61e-e3be-4c7f-91c3-9a630da551ec"
            "name": "bucketName",
            "value": "VQ_Callback_C2C"
            "name": "targetSystem",
            "value": "genesys"
            "name": "lob",
            "value": "fixed"
            "name": "prefferedContactInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "contactNumber": "+573046484845",
                    "preferredTime": "08:00AM-10:00AM",
                    "contactChannel": "phone"
            "name": "address",
            "valueType": "string",
            "value": "street1, city, state or county, country, zip code"
            "name": "debtInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "debtStatus": "yes",
                    "debtType": "FIXED",
                    "amount": "123"
            "name": "coordinates",
            "valueType": "object",
            "value": {
                "latitude": "12.34",
                "longitude": "98.78"
            "name": "technology",
            "value": "ftth"
            "name": "scriptId",
            "value": "6ac4bfcc-365a-4d91-8a20-baa0a671402a"

Key Points for Costa Rica C2C V2 - Fixed

Target System : Genesys-onPremise

For Genesys API, the customer phone number is mandatory information. Other elements mentioned below are required for CSR/Business. API will not throw any error if Hybris does not provide these values except the phone numbers.

  • identityNumber
  • phoneNumber (validation error if not provided)
  • product
  • email
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • requestedTime for Genesys (Its a optional field , it should be current time in UTC zone format is ISO 8601 "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" such as "2013-05-28T15:30:00.000Z". Incase if hybris is not passing requestedTime field and value mulesoft will handle it.)

For relatedInformation[].name="bucketName",the possible values for relatedInformation[].value are "Web_C2C","Web_Ecommerce","Web_CarroAbandonado" and "Web_Ventas". By default "Web_Ventas" will be sent from ESB.

ESB will append the exact value of bucketName in the Genesys endpoint while calling Genesys so Hybris will have to send the same bucket name in the API request that is configured in Genesys.

Request Example without requestedTime

    "identityNumber": "1234567",
    "phoneNumber": "1234536311",
    "lastName": "dev",
    "customerType": "newCustomer",
    "firstName": "sanchini",
    "email": "dev@hotmail.com",
    "productOrder": {
        "productOrderItem": [
                "id": "1",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "@type": "1P",
                "baseType": "Residential",
                "product": {
                    "id": "code",
                    "name": "Multimedia CC 12 GB"
    "relatedInformation": [
            "name": "prefferedContactInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "contactNumber": "+573046484845",
                    "preferredTime": "08:00AM-10:00AM",
                    "contactChannel": "phone"
            "name": "address",
            "valueType": "string",
            "value": "street1, city, state or county, country, zip code"
            "name": "debtInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "debtStatus": "yes",
                    "debtType": "FIXED",
                    "amount": "123"
            "name": "coordinates",
            "valueType": "object",
            "value": {
                "latitude": "12.34",
                "logitude": "98.78"
            "name": "technology",
            "value": "ftth"
           "name": "bucketName",
           "value": "Web_C2C"

Request Example with requestedTime

    "identityNumber": "1234567",
    "phoneNumber": "1234536311",
    "lastName": "dev",
    "customerType": "newCustomer",
    "firstName": "sanchini",
    "email": "dev@hotmail.com",
    "requestedCompletionDate": "2019-05-02T08:13:59.506Z",
    "productOrder": {
        "productOrderItem": [
                "id": "1",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "@type": "1P",
                "baseType": "Residential",
                "product": {
                    "id": "code",
                    "name": "Multimedia CC 12 GB"
    "relatedInformation": [
            "name": "prefferedContactInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "contactNumber": "+573046484845",
                    "preferredTime": "08:00AM-10:00AM",
                    "contactChannel": "phone"
            "name": "address",
            "valueType": "string",
            "value": "street1, city, state or county, country, zip code"
            "name": "debtInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "debtStatus": "yes",
                    "debtType": "FIXED",
                    "amount": "123"
            "name": "coordinates",
            "valueType": "object",
            "value": {
                "latitude": "12.34",
                "logitude": "98.78"
            "name": "technology",
            "value": "ftth"
           "name": "bucketName",
           "value": "Web_C2C"

Key Points for Costa Rica C2C V2 - Mobile

Target System : FlashBoard / Movistar

Movistar is a backend system for Costa Rica mobile customers. Movistar has multiple APIs for C2C based on products/categories.

Please note added two more new fields (lob & targetsystem) in request payload for internal ESB routing purpose and digital has to pass.

latest changes and api is available in ESB cloud hub instance. URL format :- https://nonprod.esb.cloud.lla.com/{environment}/ecom-sales-ux/ecom-sales-ux/v2/{businessId}/clickToCall

C2C Product Specific Data Model Table

c2c product namefirstName
++ lastName
(if @type=Device)
(if @type=Plan)
id (if @type=Plan)
(if @type=Device)
quantity (if @type=Plan)
(simCardType) payload.productOrder.productOrderItem.
(if productOrder.productOrderItem.@type=Device and
(plan_category) (payload.productOrder.productOrderItem filter ((item, index) -> (upper(item.product."@type") == "PLAN")
(upper(item.product."@type") == "FMC"))."@type"[0]
paymentMethod.name ("card" or "mov")

Sample request Payload for catalogo use case

  "identityNumber": "0011453856-6",
  "identityType": "RUT",
  "phoneNumber": "967191672",
  "lastName": "Medric",
  "firstName": "John",
  "email": "John.Medric@abc.com",
  "pricingOptions": "24 meses",
  "customerType": "newCustomer",
  "paymentMethod": [
      "name": "Card"
  "productOrder": {
    "productOrderItem": [
        "id": "01",
        "quantity": 1,
        "action": "add",
        "@type": "Device",
        "@baseType": "Mobile",
        "product": {
          "id": "123",
          "name": "iphone-13",
          "@type": "Device",
          "productCharacteristic": [
              "name": "simcardtype",
              "valueType": "String",
              "value": "ESIM"
        "id": "02",
        "quantity": 1,
        "action": "add",
        "@type": "Postpaid",
        "@baseType": "Mobile",
        "product": {
          "id": "1234",
          "name": "PLAN @2 LTE PRO",
          "@type": "Plan",
          "productCharacteristic": [
              "name": "isPortable",
              "valueType": "boolean",
              "value": false
  "relatedInformation": [
      "name": "url",
      "value": "https://libertycr.com/equipos-celulares/ver-catalogo"
      "name": "campagineCode",
      "value": "Prepago GAV"
            "name": "targetSystem",
            "value": "flashboard"
            "name": "lob",
            "value": "prepaid or postpaid"
      "name": "prefferedContactInfo",
      "valueType": "array",
      "value": [
          "contactNumber": "+573046484845",
          "preferredTime": "08:00AM-10:00AM",
          "contactChannel": "phone"

Note: For Each Product Specific Example please refer the API Resource Documentation /v2/clickTocall

Sample Request if Flashboard expects Product Information

C2C Request With Product

  "identityNumber": "PA11453856",
  "identityType": "passport",
  "phoneNumber": "967191672",
  "lastName": "Medric",
  "firstName": "John",
  "email": "John.Medric@abc.com",
  "customerType": "newCustomer",
  "productOrder": {
    "productOrderItem": [
        "id": "01",
        "quantity": 1,
        "action": "add",
        "product": {
          "id": "Product_Id",
          "name": "Product_Name",
          "@type": "Product_Type"
  "relatedInformation": [
      "name": "url",
      "value": "https://libertycr.com/XXX/XX"
      "name": "campagineCode",
      "value": "campaign_value"
      "name": "targetSystem",
      "value": "flashboard"
      "name": "lob",
      "value": "prepaid or postpaid"
      "name": "prefferedContactInfo",
      "valueType": "array",
      "value": [
          "contactNumber": "+573046484845",
          "preferredTime": "08:00AM-10:00AM",
          "contactChannel": "phone"

Sample Request if Flashboard doesn't expect Product Information

C2C Request Without Product

  "identityNumber": "PA11453856",
  "identityType": "passport",
  "phoneNumber": "967191672",
  "lastName": "Medric",
  "firstName": "John",
  "email": "John.Medric@abc.com",
  "customerType": "newCustomer",
   "relatedInformation": [
      "name": "url",
      "value": "https://libertycr.com/XXX/XX"
      "name": "campagineCode",
      "value": "campaign_value"
      "name": "targetSystem",
      "value": "flashboard"
      "name": "lob",
      "value": "prepaid or postpaid"
        "name": "prefferedContactInfo",
        "valueType": "array",
        "value": [
            "contactNumber": "+573046484845",

Movistar target system product URL Mapping details

  1. If product URL = https://[host]/lte-pro or https://[host]/postpago-ilimitado or https://[host]/planes or https://[host]/4g or FMC

below information is required to call Movistar API. Please refer to the example For C2C mulseSoft req

  • name (required): Name and surname.
  • num_ident: ID Number (ID card, passport…).
  • num_phone (required): Phone number.
  • email: Email.
  • plan_name: Name of the plan selected.
  • portability:
  • Without portability: 0
  • With portability: 1
  • type_lead (required): Lead type determined by the variable campaign included in the return of the customer verification(GET customer) call.
  • project_name (required): Project name (LTE-PRO or ILIMITADO or POSTPAGO ).
  • url: Source URL: https://[host]/lte-pro or https://[host]/postpago-ilimitado or https://[host]/planes or https://[host]/4g

If product URL = https://[host]/wifi-movil

below information is required to call Movistar API. Please refer to the example For C2C mulseSoft req

  • name (required): Name and surname.
  • num_phone (required): Phone number.
  • email (required): Email.
  • plan_id (required): ID of the plan selected.examples for plan_id: o ID: Wifi_Movil_1 for plan 10 GB o ID: Wifi_Movil_2 for plan 20 GB

If product URL = https://[host]/portabilidad

below information is required to call Movistar API. Please refer to the example For C2C mulseSoft request

  • full_name (required): Name and surname.
  • num_phone (required): Phone number.

if URL =https://[host]/promo1 or [https://[host]/promo2] or [https://[host]/promo]

Below information is required to call Movistar API. Please refer to the example For C2C mulseSoft req.

  • name (required): Name and surname.
  • num_phone (required): Phone number.
  • email (required): Client email.
  • type_lead (required): Lead type determined by the variable campaign included in the return of the customer verification(GET customer) call.
  • project_name (required): Project name (PROMO_1 or PROMO_2 or PROMO).
  • url: Source URL https://[host]/promo1 or [https://[host]/promo2] or [https://[host]/promo]

If URL =[https://[host]/liberty-total/hogar-movil-sin-tv] or [https://[host]/liberty-total/hogar-movil-con-tv]

Below information is required to call Movistar API. Please refer to the example For C2C mulseSoft req.

  • name (required): firstName.
  • surname (required): lastName.
  • num_phone (required): phoneNumber.
  • email (required): Email.
  • type_ident (required): identityType.
  • num_ident (required): identityNumber.
  • campaigne (required): campagineCode.
  • product (required): plan selected by the client

If URL = URL: https://[host]/tienda or https://[host]/ver-catalogo

  • name (required): Name and surname.
  • num_ident: ID Number (ID card, passport…).
  • num_phone (required): Phone number.
  • email (required): Email.
  • plan_id (required): Id of the plan selected.[Eg: plan1_10GB,plan2_15GB,plan3_19GB,plan4_24GB,plan5_29GB,plan6_llimitado]
  • project_name (required): Project name (TIENDA_ONLINE).
  • financing_type: : Type of financing (none for no financing, card for credit card and mov for movistar credits)
  • type_lead (required): Lead type determined by the variable campaign included in the return of the customer verification(GET customer) call.
  • url: Source URLhttps://[host]/tienda or https://[host]/ver-catalogo
  • plan_category: Mobile plan category [Eg: postpaid, prepaid, data-only, etc.]
  • pricing_options: Pricing options [Eg: full price, installments, etc.]
  • type_sim: Type of SIM [Eg: physical or eSIM]

Please note: For devices ver-catalogo can be used by giving device names as iphone-13,honor-50 ... etc

If product URL = https://[host]/plan-familia.

below information is required to call Movistar API. Please refer to the example For C2C mulseSoft req

  • name (required): Name and surname.
  • num_phone (required): Phone number.
  • email (required): Email.
  • num_lines (required): Number of telephone lines to hire.
  • type_lead (required):Lead type determined by the variable campaign included in the return of the customer verification(GET customer) call.
  • project_name (required): Project name (PLAN_FAMILIA).
  • url: Source URL (https://[host]/plan-familia).

URLS used to access C2C v2 products

Slnoproduct-namesURL to be
Passed in the
bss-end points

possible error scenarios:


    "errors": [
            "code": 400,
            "message": "ERROR_INSERCION_BD",
            "description": "Error occurred inserting data into database"


    "errors": [
            "code": 400,
            "message": "ERROR_PROYECTO_DESCONOCIDO",
            "description": "Invalid projectName"


    "errors": [
            "code": 400,
            "message": "ALREADY_HIRED",
            "description": "Request already exists for input phoneNumber"


    "errors": [
            "code": 400,
            "message": "ERROR_VALIDACION",
            "description": "Invalid request for error validation"

Note : For C2C Product codes :








Key Points for Panama C2C V2 - FIXED & MOBILE

Target System : Pentcloud

For Fixed & Mobile & FMC use cases, we get 201 as the return response code.

Pentcloud is a backend system for Panama Fixed and Mobile and the Pentcloud endpoint is also the same for both use cases (Fixed, FMC & Mobile)

There are no data or format validations in the ESB; it is only a passthrough to the Pentcloud system.

Digital needs to prepare the request payload as mentioned in the use case examples below and send it to the ESB. The ESB will then forward it to Pentcloud.

The sellerEmail should be "dlecommerce@masmovilpanama.com."

The productOrder.id must be unique for each request.

The requestedTime should be in the following UTC format: "2024-12-17T23:41:41.090Z."

simType is applicable for Device object and possible values for simType are 'eSIM' or 'physical'

Possible values for subChannel are 'C2C' or 'CART' or 'ORDER'

AddOn object is applicable for fixed use case.

For Mobile use case relatedInformation.name=residenceAddress changed to relatedInformation.name=deliveryAddress

For Mobile use case relatedInformation.name=Subject has been removed

In edge cases, if any one of the productOrderItem objects fails to create in the Pentcloud system, we will receive a partial response from the Pentcloud API. This will be mapped in the ESB success response in the errors array with a 201 status code only. An example is provided below.

For the FMC use case, we need to include all the fields related to both the Mobile and Fixed use cases. Please refer to the "FMC Request" for examples.

For the Mobile use case, we have added the following fields:

  • customerType = New
  • relatedInformation.name = channel
  • relatedInformation.name = subchannel

### C2C Fixed Request:

    "identityNumber": "0011453856",
    "identityType": "Cedula",
    "phoneNumber": "967191672",
    "lastName": "Medric",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "John.Medric@abc.com",
    "customerType": "New",
    "requestedTime": "2024-12-17T23:41:41.090Z",
    "productOrder": {
        "id": "OrderId123",
        "productOrderItem": [
                "id": "01",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "@type": "Fixed",
                "@baseType": "Fixed",
                "product": {
                    "id": "Hybris product id",
                    "name": "Fixed product name",
                    "isBundle": false,
                    "@type": "Package"
        "serviceAddress": {
            "addrType": "Q",
            "addrLine1": "province",
            "addrLine2": "district",
            "addrLine3": "corregiment",
            "addrLine4": "neighborhood",
            "addrLine5": "street|houseOrApartmentNumber|building"
    "relatedInformation": [
            "name": "channel",
            "value": "eCommerce"
            "name": "subchannel",
            "value": "C2C"
            "name": "isServiceable",
            "value": "true"
            "name": "socioEconomicSegment",
            "value": "A"
            "name": "creditScoreRating",
            "value": "A"
            "name": "orderPrice",
            "value": "200.00"
            "name": "deliveryTime",
            "value": {
                "date": "2024-09-26",
                "time": "8:00AM-12:00AM"
            "name": "deliveryAddress",
            "value": {
                "province": "state",
                "district": "district",
                "corregiment": "subdivision of district",
                "neighborhood": "neighborhood",
                "street": "street name",
                "houseOrApartmentNumber": "houseOrApartmentNumber",
                "building": "building name"
            "name": "coordinates",
            "valueType": "object",
            "value": {
                "latitude": "9.025482",
                "longitude": "-79.516297"
            "name": "debtInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "debtStatus": "true",
                    "debtType": "FIXED"

### FMC + Postpaid Plan Request:-

    "identityNumber": "0011453856",
    "identityType": "Cedula",
    "phoneNumber": "967191672",
    "lastName": "Medric",
    "firstName": "John",
    "email": "John.Medric@abc.com",
    "customerType": "New",
    "requestedTime": "2024-12-17T23:41:41.090Z",
    "productOrder": {
        "id": "OrderId123",
        "productOrderItem": [
                "id": "01",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "@type": "FMC",
                "@baseType": "FMC",
                "product": {
                    "id": "Hybris product id",
                    "name": "FMC product name",
                    "isBundle": true,
                    "@type": "Package",
                    "productCharacteristic": [
                            "name": "isPortable",
                            "valueType": "boolean",
                            "value": false
                "id": "02",
                "quantity": 1,
                "action": "add",
                "@type": "Postpaid",
                "@baseType": "Mobile",
                "product": {
                    "id": "Hybris product id",
                    "name": "Mobile product name",
                    "@type": "Plan",
                    "productCharacteristic": [
                            "name": "isPortable",
                            "valueType": "boolean",
                            "value": false
        "serviceAddress": {
            "addrType": "Q",
            "addrLine1": "province",
            "addrLine2": "district",
            "addrLine3": "corregiment",
            "addrLine4": "neighborhood",
            "addrLine5": "street|houseOrApartmentNumber|building"
    "relatedInformation": [
            "name": "channel",
            "value": "eCommerce"
            "name": "subchannel",
            "value": "C2C"
            "name": "description",
            "value": "Client needs the device to be delivered to her office"
            "name": "additionalPhoneNumber",
            "value": "8765-4321"
            "name": "sellerEmail",
            "value": "dlecommerce@masmovilpanama.com"
            "name": "isServiceable",
            "value": "true"
            "name": "socioEconomicSegment",
            "value": "A"
            "name": "creditScoreRating",
            "value": "A"
            "name": "orderPrice",
            "value": "200.00"
            "name": "deliveryTime",
            "value": {
                "date": "2024-09-26",
                "time": "8:00AM-12:00AM"
            "name": "deliveryAddress",
            "value": {
                "province": "state",
                "district": "district",
                "corregiment": "subdivision of district",
                "neighborhood": "neighborhood",
                "street": "street name",
                "houseOrApartmentNumber": "houseOrApartmentNumber",
                "building": "building name"
            "name": "coordinates",
            "valueType": "object",
            "value": {
                "latitude": "9.025482",
                "longitude": "-79.516297"
            "name": "debtInfo",
            "valueType": "array",
            "value": [
                    "debtStatus": "true",
                    "debtType": "FIXED"

### Postpaid Plan + Device Request:-

    "identityNumber": "0011453856",
    "identityType": "Cedula",
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### Multiple Devices + Multiple plans Request:-

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### Fixed + postpaid plan + Device Request:-

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### FMC Request:-

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### Fixed + Addon Request:-

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### success response

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  "message": "Customer callback request has been placed successfully in the system | FIXED-108077 | MOBILE-108077"

### partial success response

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  "message": "Customer callback request has been placed successfully in the system | FIXED-108077",
  "errors": [
            "code": 400,
            "message": "ERROR:CLICKTOCALL"
            "description": "Product Name - Action must be \"add\""
